Address replicator

User feedback serves as a compass for innovation and improvement. Prototype Version 1.0 faced an important evolution prompted by users’ needs, which we now refer to as the Address Replicator.

A Response to User Feedback

The Address Replicator emerged in response to users’ practical desire to simplify the process of entering addresses during their user journey. They wished to eliminate the repetitive task of manually typing the same address information repeatedly.

Streamlining the User Experience

To cater to this user feedback, the team took deliberate steps to enhance the user experience and reduce the tedium of address entry. The solution was elegantly straightforward: the introduction of a new screen thoughtfully integrated into the user journey.

Before the Enhancement

Before Enhancement

In the initial version, the Postal Address screen lacked an address reuse option, necessitating manual entry, which was less than ideal.

After the Enhancement

After Enhancement

With the enhancement, the Postal Address screen was substantially improved with an address reuse option. Users could now expedite the process by selecting their previously entered Registered Address.

The End Result

End Result

The introduction of the Address Replicator created a seamless user experience where users could conveniently reuse their Registered Address, reducing the need for repetitive manual entry and streamlining the form-filling process.

A Conclusion in Continual Improvement

The Address Replicator showcases the tangible benefits of listening to user feedback and integrating it into the design process. It’s a testament to the team’s dedication to enhancing software functionality and user experience.

As we progress on our design journey, let’s remain receptive to user insights, for they are the guiding light in creating applications that truly meet users’ needs.

Next steps

Furthermore, we intend in future iterations to include a postcode search functionality for UK addresses. Thus, increasing the ease of use for the service and reducing the steps that users have to take to provide addresses in their end to end journey.
